Hey Family!!
While driving through Louisiana
the other day I came to the realization that Utah will never be as
green as this state. Maybe I'm just crazy but I LOVE all the trees here
and how everything is ridiculously green. I'm not sure when exactly
everything started turning green but I noticed it the other day and it's
seriously the greatest thing ever. In Baton Rouge you don't really
realize it because it's a big city, but occasionally there will be
random roads that lead into the forest and it's really like a wall of
trees everywhere outside of the city. Imagine trying to cut all that
down to build a house...killer. The beauty of the earth really gets you
thinking though, Heavenly Father definitely has a hand in everything
here on earth. If y'all haven't seen it you should watch the Earthly
Father, Heavenly Father mormon message. I may or may not watch it every
morning while I'm eating
breakfast...it's my favorite one!! It's got me thinking about the
gospel though and how every single thing Heavenly Father has given us
which is unbelievably crazy and so awesome. The least we can do is obey
and serve Him!
As tradition calls, here's a couple miracles from this week:
numero uno: We were heart attacking some single ladies in our ward late monday night.
After we got home we got a call from Tania calling us saying that no
one has ever done anything so nice for her and that she'll never forget
it. She kept going on and on and was basically crying she was so
happy. Seriously it was the sweetest little miracle seeing how little
things change people so much. Haha she's from Brazil and is still
working on her english and she said she can't put into english how she
feels, it was so sweet.
numero dos: We were able to
attend the temple this past tuesday night as well. At the end someone
from our ward took us into the sealing room which was beautiful. I love
the Baton Rouge temple because it's so small and feels just like home.
Man the temple is awesome, isn't it.
numero tres: We're (Heavenly
Father) converting all the eleven year olds in Baton Rouge! It's a long
story but we're teaching a lot of eleven year old girls and they're all
so cute and have a great desire to follow Christ. Not to
mention...Alexis is getting baptized this Saturday!! She is so
unbelievably excited and we're all excited for her. I'll send pictures
soon. :)
numero quatro?: We've been
trying to meet this less active lady Sister Smith for a couple weeks now
but she hasn't been home whenever we stopped by. On Friday
we stopped by again and right when we were leaving she pulled up. Long
story short we found out she was moving over by Denham Springs and we
helped her move her clothes into her car. We asked if we could help
with the move and she said no but eventually she said yes so we showed
up with the elders saturday morning and helped her move two giant truck
fulls. She was so grateful too and it would've taken hours without all
of us.
It was a really great week here
in Louisiana and we've been keeping busy doing the Lord's work. Oh
yeah and we had our first crawfish boil last night! Let's just say this
morning I still smelled like crawfish and there was so unbelievably
much it was ridiculous, but oh so good. Y'all will have to come down
sometime after I'm home and get the full effect of the south. :) The
work here is slowly progressing but we're constantly working on it. Our
ward just needs the support from one another but everyone is focused on
Anyways I love y'all so much. Thank you for all you continually do for me and the Lord.
Sarah good luck with school
starting this upcoming week, you'll do awesome! Just remember with hard
classes that Heavenly Father pushes you out of your comfort zone so
that you can learn from it. And trust me, He knows us all better than
we know ourselves. How's it being back in good old Rexburg? And just
think, after this semester you'll be halfway done. Woot woot!!
Emily you looked gorgeous for prom!! Who was your date and what did ya do for your activities? Details woman, details!
Andrew enjoy Europe this coming week!
Mom and Dad I love you guys.
Thank you for sending a new package!! Y'all are the best. Hey and is
there anything I can do for ya?
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